Showing 76 - 100 of 294 Results
An historical account of the expedition against Sandusky under Col. William Crawford in 1728 by Consul Willshire Butterfield ISBN: 9781236505996 List Price: $19.99
History of Brul�'s Discoveries and Explorations, 1610-1626 by Butterfield, Consul Willshire ISBN: 9781241268954 List Price: $24.75
History of George Rogers Clark's Conquest of the Illinois and the Wabash Towns 1778 and 1779... by Consul Willshire Butterfield ISBN: 9781273160936 List Price: $57.75
History of Lafayette county, Wisconsin, containing an account of its settlement, growth, dev... by Consul Willshire Butterfield ISBN: 9781236661814 List Price: $54.29
History of the Discovery of the Northwest by John Nicolet in 1634 [Electronic Resource] : Wi... by Butterfield, Consul Willshire ISBN: 9781290900393 List Price: $22.95
History of the University of Wisconsin: From Its First Organization to 1879 : With Biographi... by Consul Willshire Butterfield ISBN: 9781290716871 List Price: $23.95
History of Brul�'s Discoveries and Explorations, 1610-1626 : Being A Narrative of the Discov... by Butterfield, Consul Willshi... ISBN: 9781278819037 List Price: $24.75
History of Brul�'s Discoveries and Explorations, 1610-1626 by Butterfield, Consul Willshire ISBN: 9781290061667 List Price: $23.95
Historical Account of the Expedition Against Sandusky under Col William Crawford in 1782; wi... by Butterfield, Consul Willshire ISBN: 9781290057288 List Price: $30.95
History of Seneca County: Containing a Detailed Narrative of the Principal Events That Have ... by Consul Willshire Butterfield ISBN: 9781271174836 List Price: $27.75
History of the University of Wisconsin from Its First Organization to 1879: With Biographica... by Consul Willshire Butterfield ISBN: 9781272322014 List Price: $27.75
History of Brule's discoveries and explorations 1610-1626 by Consul Willshire Butterfield ISBN: 9785518463226 List Price: $59.95
History Of Brul's Discoveries And Explorations, 1610-1626: Being A Narrative Of The Discover... by Consul Willshire Butterfield ISBN: 9781273537745 List Price: $25.75
The Washington-Crawford letters. Being the correspondence between George Washington and Will... by Consul Willshire Butterfiel... ISBN: 9781293403396 List Price: $20.75
History of Lafayette county, Wisconsin by Consul Willshire Butterfiel... ISBN: 9785518544703 List Price: $44.95
History of Green County, Wisconsin; Together with Sketches of Its Towns and Villages, Educat... by Consul Willshire Butterfield ISBN: 9781236849939 List Price: $22.07
History of Brul's discoveries and explorations by Consul Willshire Butterfield ISBN: 9785518817951 List Price: $49.95
Washington-Irvine Correspondence: The Official Letters Which Passed Between Washington and B... by Consul Willshire Butterfiel... ISBN: 9781289627225 List Price: $37.75
The Washington-Crawford Letters. Being the Correspondence Between George Washington and Will... by Consul Willshire Butterfiel... ISBN: 9781289627324 List Price: $20.75
History of La Crosse County, Wisconsin: Containing an Account of Its Settlement, Growth, Dev... by Consul Willshire Butterfield ISBN: 9781287815174 List Price: $57.75
An Historical Account of the Expedition Against Sandusky Under Col. William Crawford in 178... by Consul Willshire Butterfield ISBN: 9781287899310 List Price: $35.75
An historical account of the expedition against Sandusky under Col. William Crawford in 1782... by Butterfield Consul Willshir... ISBN: 9781314830996 List Price: $30.95
History of Brule's discoveries and explorations 1610-1626 being a narrative of the discovery... by Consul Willshire Butterfield ISBN: 9785518546899 List Price: $44.95
History of Brul's discoveries and explorations, 1610-1626: being a narrative of the discover... by Butterfield Consul Willshir... ISBN: 9781314831887 List Price: $23.95
C.W. Butterfield's History 1881 Grant County, Wisconsin by Consul Willshire Butterfield ISBN: 9781236774934 List Price: $83.17
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